Minggu, 11 Juni 2017

Unforgettable Moment

When I graduate from high school, I have to continue my education to jogjakarta and must be away from family is something I will never forget, in the first september I was to jogjakarta without family, and I have to start living independently in Yogyakarta and I have to Do independently, at first I think I will not be away from the parents, but thanks to the spirit of giving parents, friends, and spirit in planting from myself alhamdulillah I can live away from parents until now.

Past Tense vs Present Perfect

Past tense

The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterite, the past tense is a grammatical tense whose principal function is to place an action or situation in past time.
*.My father died last year.
*.He lived in Bandung in 1998.
*. I sent you a letter a month ago

Present Perfect

The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the present tense and the perfect aspect that is used to express a past event that has present consequences.
*. My grand father has just gone away due to an accident.
*. Mr. Pazri is a workaholic, and now he has succeed in his career.
*. Don’t sit on the chair, it has just been painted.

Rabu, 07 Juni 2017

Extreme Food

Have you eat Swike a frog? Swike a food is tasty, delicious and also extrime, And I'll let you know how to cook meat swike a frog.
It makes Swike :- The Frog
- Oil Tanker
- Garlic
- Onions
- Salt
- Kecap
How to Make Swike :
- You heat the oil, then sautéed onion and garlic.
- Then you put the frog, soy sauce and stir until blended.
- The next step you add salt and stir again until blended, then lift, then drain.
- And swike ready to eat.

Note: If you are eating frog meat, do not eat the bones because it can cause asthma, and choose a good toad do not choose a frog who disease

Selasa, 06 Juni 2017


How to make a chocco balls😋

Field Trip

He name is Diego and she name is Emily from Brazil, they visit Indonesia for a vacation, and wee meet in Malioboro.

And second, he nama is Mathieu from France, and he visit Indonesia for a vacation and we meet in Prawirotaman.

And last, he name is Zuel from Switzerland, he visit indonesia for a vacation, and we meet in Jogokaryan