When I graduate from high school, I have to continue my education to jogjakarta and must be away from family is something I will never forget, in the first september I was to jogjakarta without family, and I have to start living independently in Yogyakarta and I have to Do independently, at first I think I will not be away from the parents, but thanks to the spirit of giving parents, friends, and spirit in planting from myself alhamdulillah I can live away from parents until now.
Pazri Abdillah
Minggu, 11 Juni 2017
Past Tense vs Present Perfect
Past tense
The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterite, the past tense is a grammatical tense whose principal function is to place an action or situation in past time.
*.My father died last year.
*.He lived in Bandung in 1998.
*. I sent you a letter a month ago
Present Perfect
The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the present tense and the perfect aspect that is used to express a past event that has present consequences.
*. My grand father has just gone away due to an accident.
*. Mr. Pazri is a workaholic, and now he has succeed in his career.
*. Don’t sit on the chair, it has just been painted.
Rabu, 07 Juni 2017
Extreme Food
Have you eat Swike a frog? Swike a food is tasty, delicious and also extrime, And I'll let you know how to cook meat swike a frog.
It makes Swike :- The Frog
- Oil Tanker
- Garlic
- Onions
- Salt
- Kecap
How to Make Swike :
- You heat the oil, then sautéed onion and garlic.
- Then you put the frog, soy sauce and stir until blended.
- The next step you add salt and stir again until blended, then lift, then drain.
- And swike ready to eat.
Note: If you are eating frog meat, do not eat the bones because it can cause asthma, and choose a good toad do not choose a frog who disease
Selasa, 06 Juni 2017
Field Trip
Minggu, 02 April 2017
Permasalahan dalam berkomunikasi
1. Permasalahan saya dalam berkomunikasi adalah dalam bahasa, awal mula saya ke jogjakarta saya masih suka menggunakan bahasa daerah saya jadi orang yang berkomunikasi dengan saya bingung dengan apa yang saya katakan, juga di nada suara saya, saya kadang berbicara dengan pelan pelan sehingga orang yang berkomunikasi dengan saya kurang mendengar apa yang saya ucapkan, tapi sekarang saya sudah bisa sedikit sedikit menghilangkan bahasa daerah saya ketika berkomunikasi, begitupun dengan nada suara sekarang sudah sedikit lantang
2. Harapan saya setelah belajar mengenai psikologi komunikasi adalah agar saya dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dengan org2 yang ada di sekitar saya baik verbal maupun nonverbal. Dan hal yang ingin saya capai adalah bisa menjadi contoh yang baik bagi org lain mengenai bagaimana cara komunikasi yang baik.
Kamis, 26 Januari 2017
Introduce My Self
Introduce Myself
My name is mohammed pazri abdillah.
I was born and district of majalengka west java.
I'm 18 years and are muslims.
I used to schools in high school SMAN Talaga and now continue with high school in yogyakarta, STTKD.
Introduce My friend I have a friend named fahrurozi, He has a solid.